The University of St. Gallen, through its Latin-American-Swiss Center (CLS-HSG), has been mandated by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), to act as Leading House granting incentives and developing joint research cooperation projects with the Latin American region.
For the period 2021-2024, the Leading House will keep pursuing bilateral cooperation with priority partners, e.g. Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru or Mexico, and also develop scientific relations with other countries that represent great potential for scientific and technological expansion. In its role as Leading House for the Latin American Region, the University of St. Gallen shall:
- represent the interests of the Swiss scientific community vis-à-vis its Latin American partners
- advise and share experiences with the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
- develop and manage funding instruments to promote bilateral cooperation
- ensure the communication of opportunities for cooperation with the Swiss research and innovation community
- liaise with the scientific departments of Latin American and Swiss Embassies and with Swissnex
Details on funding instruments from the Leading House is available here.