does not offer any grants or scholarships. is an aggregator platform created by the State Secretariat for Education Research and Innovation (SERI) where a multitude of the available ERI funding instruments for global cooperation is collated for the benefit and ease of researchers/ students/ entrepreneurs in Switzerland.

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Not necessarily, although it is generally the case. A written assurance of employment at a research institution in Switzerland is enough. Subject to certain conditions, researchers working abroad or at institutions with international sponsors may submit a proposal. Self-employed researchers are also eligible. Some of the scholarship programmes are for foreign researchers, and those can be applied to with written confirmation from the hosting Swiss institution.

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As of now, does not send any notifications on new calls. Please check the website regularly for updates.

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Yes, the search panel on the 'Funding Opportunities' page allows you to find calls or programs with a particular country.

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Please refer to the institution’s website for more information and write to the contact address given on the call application button.

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Information on specific grants offered by Swiss higher education institutions (including those in collaboration with Swiss Foundations) or private foundations are not available on this portal. Kindly refer to the institution’s website for such information.

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There is no common application portal. One has to apply to a particular Leading House directly for an open call.

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Yes, of course. We highly encourage researchers to share their story through articles/blogs on Authors will be acknowledged for their contributions.

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Kindly share the press release or news (with relevant links to your website) with us. We will let you know if it can be shared as soon as possible, based on the content.

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At present, there are no newsletters, as the website is in its nascent stage (launched in 2021). We might have one in the future. If you are interested, please send an email to

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