Call with the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP)
Closed CallDeadline
6 Nov 2023Type
Brazil, Canada, Croatia, France, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of AmericaInstitution
SNSFThe SNSF is participating in the multilateral call for proposals “Democracy, Governance and Trust” (DGT). The focus: how are these three aspects integral to tackling both short-term crises and long-term challenges?
The Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities is an unprecedented collaboration between humanities and social sciences research funders from South America, North America and Europe. T-AP aims to enhance the ability of funders, research organisations and researchers to engage in transnational dialogue and collaboration. The present call is focused on Democracy, Governance and Trust (DGT).
The world is facing exceptional social, economic, technological, environmental and geopolitical challenges, including migration, climate change emergencies, energy crises, war, conflict, political extremism, erosion of democratic institutions, protest, violence, corruption and growing public distrust of governance and expertise, which affect not only the institutions of democratic government but also the wider structures and processes that make our societies work and hold together.
The call on Democracy, Governance and Trust seeks to understand specifically how democracy, governance and trust are integral to tackling both short-term crises and long-term challenges and are themselves a focus of the discontent and disruption facing many societies. It will support research that develops diverse methodological, disciplinary and cross-national perspectives in relation to these topics, their causes and dynamics. In addition, it will help build the capacity to respond creatively to these challenges, thereby maximising opportunities to strengthen democracy, governance and trust for the benefit of all in society.
Applicants must apply as a transnational research project partnership. Each project must comprise at least three eligible principal investigators from at least three different T-AP participating countries from both sides of the Atlantic. Furthermore, applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Guide for Transboundary Research Partnerships of the Commission for Research Partnerships with developing countries with regard to their planned project (KFPE principles).
Further information about the rules and regulations of the T-AP call can be found on the official website. Please take note of national guidelines and get in touch with the contact person for more information. You will find a list of participating countries on the scheme’s official website.
Compulsory Notice of Intent to Apply (NOI) is due on 15th September 2023 (no later than midnight BRT) – please use the NOI Form to submit your intent.