Key takeaways
To adapt to the new situation and still make an impact, the team decided to transform the project itself. They organised the “Let's Talk Waste” conference, focusing on waste management challenges and potential solutions. The conference brought together the network formed around Plasticycle and the local youth community, featuring a panel of four experts as a symbol of Swiss-Lebanese collaboration. Held in Beirut in spring 2023, "Let's Talk Waste" marked a successful culmination of Plasticycle's journey, as it brought together key figures such as the deputy head of Mission at the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and Lebanese deputies. The participation of esteemed individuals and representatives from both Switzerland and Lebanon highlighted the fruitful collaboration between the two nations. It showcased the positive impact of the Plasticycle/USEK/Switzerland project.
To adapt to the new situation and still make an impact, the team decided to transform the project itself. They organised the “Let's Talk Waste” conference, focusing on waste management challenges and potential solutions. The conference brought together the network formed around Plasticycle and the local youth community, featuring a panel of four experts as a symbol of Swiss-Lebanese collaboration. Held in Beirut in spring 2023, "Let's Talk Waste" marked a successful culmination of Plasticycle's journey, as it brought together key figures such as the deputy head of Mission at the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and Lebanese deputies. The participation of esteemed individuals and representatives from both Switzerland and Lebanon highlighted the fruitful collaboration between the two nations. It showcased the positive impact of the Plasticycle/USEK/Switzerland project.
Lebanon has been facing a significant waste management crisis since 2015 and an economic crisis since 2019, highlighting the urgent need for practical solutions that can make a real difference in the local environment.
One outstanding initiative is the Plasticycle Project, which competed at The Swiss-Middle East Circular Economy for Youth Initiative (SMECEYI), organised by Swissnex in collaboration with the Swiss Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai. This startup focuses on recycling polypropylene and polyethylene plastic waste, which contribute greatly to the Lebanese waste currently handled inadequately and sent to landfills.
Plasticycle proposes a unique and cost-effective extrusion design to recycle these plastics, effectively addressing both the waste crisis and the country’s economic challenges. The output is high-quality plastic pellets, reducing the reliance on foreign imports due to the ongoing economic crisis. Additionally, the project aimed to raise awareness of the circular economy, particularly among the youth, and collaborate with various organisations, schools, and universities to ensure awareness of sustainability in plastics in teaching and daily life.
The team involved in the project includes Prof. Roger Marti from HEIA-FR, Daniel Schwendeman from OST, and Dr. Nancy Zgheib from USEK as technical mentors. Additionally, two Lebanese chemical engineers, Marylise Salim and Peter Obeid, who graduated from USEK, are part of the team. Two business students, Valentina Pavlovic and Gastone Faccin, from HEC Lausanne in Switzerland, are also part of the team. This diverse group of individuals brings together expertise in various fields, including engineering, academia, and business. Their collaboration and collective knowledge contribute to the success of the project, ensuring a comprehensive approach to address waste management challenges.
The financial support from the grant was essential in facilitating the various activities of our project. It enabled us to conduct the technical testing phase, collaborate with esteemed partners, organise the “Let’s Talk Waste” conference, and foster a cultural exchange. The grant covered expenses for research, development, collaboration, event organisation, travel, and accommodation. Without this funding, our project’s progress and success would have been significantly hindered. The financial support played a crucial role in bringing our ideas to life, promoting sustainability, and forging strong collaborations between the Plasticycle team, the Swiss partners and USEK.
In the spring of 2022, the Plasticycle team, represented by two Lebanese chemical engineers, conducted a month-long technical testing phase in Switzerland in collaboration with the Plastic Innovation Competence Center (PICC), affiliated with HEIA-FR and Institut für Werkstofftechnik und unststoffverarbeitung (IWK), affiliated with OST. This phase involved rigorous testing and analysis to ensure the functionality, efficiency, and reliability of the plastic recycling technology.
However, as Plasticycle’s team rechecked the project’s business plan, they discovered that Lebanon’s worsening economic crisis revealed new data: the cost of raw materials and energy has skyrocketed, making the project economically unfeasible.
To adapt to the new situation and still make an impact, the team decided to transform the project itself. They organised the “Let’s Talk Waste” conference, focusing on waste management challenges and potential solutions. The conference brought together the network formed around Plasticycle and the local youth community, featuring a panel of four experts as a symbol of Swiss-Lebanese collaboration. Held in Beirut in spring 2023, “Let’s Talk Waste” marked a successful culmination of Plasticycle’s journey, as it brought together key figures such as the deputy head of Mission at the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon and Lebanese deputies. The participation of esteemed individuals and representatives from both Switzerland and Lebanon highlighted the fruitful collaboration between the two nations. It showcased the positive impact of the Plasticycle/USEK/Switzerland project.
At the same time, the grant further fostered collaboration between Dr. Roger Marti (HEIA-FR), Daniel Schwendemann (OST) from Switzerland, and Dr. Nancy Zgheib from USEK from Lebanon. This collaboration laid the foundation for fruitful partnerships and student exchanges between Swiss and Lebanese universities, as well as potential collaboration in teaching and R&D projects.
Marylise Salim:
The bilateral cooperation experience between the Plasticycle team and our partners in Switzerland has been an incredible journey of cultural exchange and collaboration. Over the course of two years, our team worked closely together, sharing knowledge, expertise, and ideas.
Through this collaboration, we not only achieved technical milestones but also fostered a deep understanding and appreciation for each other’s cultures. Working side by side, we learned from one another’s perspectives, approaches, and work ethics, creating a truly diverse and inclusive team.
The cultural exchange enriched our project, bringing together the best of both Swiss and Lebanese practices and traditions. It allowed us to blend our expertise and unique perspectives, resulting in innovative solutions and a strong bond between team members.
This bilateral cooperation experience not only strengthened our project but also forged lasting connections and friendships. We are immensely proud of what we have achieved together and are excited about the potential for future collaborations that can further advance waste management and sustainable practices.
Roger Marti
The project is and was a very positive experience, besides the more technical topics and work, especially the exchange between the different partners, Switzerland and Lebanon, was incredibly enriching. The visit to Lebanon and all the contacts that were made there have laid the foundation for further cooperation with USEK in the field of teaching and research. I have personally benefited very much and am confident that more will follow.