Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC) Call for Joint Research Projects

Research Closed Call 18 Jun 2021 China SNSF and NSFC
Photo credit: Jie on Unsplash
Closed Call
18 Jun 2021

In the context of the bilateral programmes initiated by the federal government, the SNSF and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are issuing the third call for Joint Research Projects (JRPs).

Joint Research Projects (JRPs) allow researchers based in Switzerland to collaborate with their colleagues in China. The costs covered by the grants are comparable to those covered in national SNSF projects (equipment, research funds, salaries).​​

The call is open from 24 March to 18 June 2021 (mySNF submission deadline). The deadline for application submission in China is 21 June 2021 (please refer to the NSFC website for conditions). Interested researchers are invited to create an application on mySNF before 21 May 2021, indicating the discipline and topic of their project. This pre-registration is for information purposes only; it is not a precondition for submitting a proposal.

The submitted applications will be jointly evaluated by the SNSF and the NSFC in China. In total, up to 15 applications can be funded. The SNSF will cover the costs for the Swiss part of the research, and the NSFC the costs incurred in China.

Eligibility: Researchers in thematic areas of Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Management Sciences & Health Sciences. Each proposal for a JRP must have at least one main applicant based in Switzerland and one main applicant based in China; they are the lead scientists on the Swiss and the Chinese side, respectively

Funding: Max. 350,000 CHF, upto 4 years from the Swiss side.

Application process Please refer to the Call Document.