Korean-Swiss Young Researchers’ Exchange Programme

Closed CallDeadline
1 Apr 2022Type
South KoreaInstitution
LH AsiaETH Zurich as the Leading House Asia and the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF) jointly operate an instrument for the exchange of early career researchers.
The instrument funds 3-month research stays in the partner country.
Switzerland-based researchers can apply to ETH Zurich for a stay in South Korea and South Korean researchers to the NRF for a stay in Switzerland.
Doctoral and early career postdoctoral researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and public research institutes are invited to apply. The call is open to all disciplines including social sciences and humanities. All eligible institutions are featured on the website.
Grants will cover travel costs and a 3-month living allowance for a research stay at a Korean university or research laboratory. NRF will cover fellowships for researchers from Switzerland, while the LH Asia will cover fellowships for researchers from South Korea.
NRF will provide Swiss fellows, maintenance allowance of KRW 2’500’000 a month for 3 months and an international air ticket of max. KRW 2’500’000.
The Swiss side of the programme through the LH Asia at ETH Zurich will support the South Korean fellows with a monthly allowance of CHF 2’500 for 3 months and an international air ticket of max. CHF 2’000.
Application process:
For guidelines and detailed information on the call, please click here.
Click here for access to the application form.