KDT Call 2021

Innovation Closed Call 27 Apr 2022 Multiple Countries Innosuisse
Photo credits: Alexandre Debieve, Unsplash
Closed Call
27 Apr 2022
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey

The mission of the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) is the funding of projects for assuring world-class expertise in key enabling technologies, which are essential for

Europe’s competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy. KDT JU builds directly on

the ECSEL JU programme.

Its specific objectives are to:

  • Reinforce strategic autonomy in electronic components and systems in Europe;
  • Establish scientific excellence and innovation leadership in emerging components and systems technologies;
  • Ensure that components and systems technologies address Europe’s societal and environmental challenges;
  • Support research and development for establishing design and production capabilities in
  • Europe for strategic application areas;
  • Launch a balanced portfolio of large and small projects supporting the fast transfer of technologies from the research to the industrial environment;
  • Foster a dynamic ecosystem based on digital value-chains with simplified access to newcomers;
  • Support research and development for enhancing component technologies that guarantee
  • security, trust and energy-efficiency for critical infrastructures and sectors in Europe


Projects submitted under a KDT JU call must fulfil the following formal criteria:

  • Any consortium needs a minimum of three independent partners from three different EU Member States or associated countries, of which at least one is based in an EU Member State. Participants from Switzerland are not considered one of these three. 
  • Participants from Switzerland cannot coordinate projects. They can however lead work packages as any other participant.
  • Participants from Switzerland cannot participate in Coordination and Support Actions (CSA). Entities from non-associated third countries such as Swiss entities may only participate if exceptionally provided for in the specific call conditions in the work programme. 

Swiss participants, with a positively evaluated project, must meet the following additional requirements to be eligible for funding by SERI and Innosuisse:

  • At least one of the Swiss participants in a consortium must be a for-profit company from Switzerland.
  • The share of the total eligible costs of the Swiss for-profit partner/s must be higher than the share of the Swiss academic partner/s.


Innosuisse and SERI: the upfront payment after the signature of the contracts will cover 50%, the mid-term payment 30% and the final payment 20% of the total funding contribution.

For more details, click here.

Application process:

Submission of KDT applications and call guidelines.