Horizon Europe
Recurring CallDeadline
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Research, Innovation, MobilityInstitution
EUThe European Union’s 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, runs from 2021 to 2027. It is the largest research and innovation funding programme in the world and the most ambitious one in the history of the European Union (EU) so far.
The overall aim of the new EU-Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is to expand the EU’s scientific and technological base by investing more in highly qualified workers and cutting-edge research. Horizon Europe will help in achieving the EU’s strategic priorities, such as implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and addressing other global challenges, while being guided by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Excellence in science is to be funded and advanced by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Knowledge-based innovations and support implemented through the European Innovation Council (EIC) will drive forward the EU’s industrial competitiveness and innovation performance.
Find more general information here.
State Secretariat for Education Research & Innovation (SERI)
SERI represents the Swiss interests in research and innovation and defines the strategic and operational measures for Switzerland’s participation in the EU-Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation. SERI thereafter acts as an agent for Switzerland’s interests in the various programme committees of the European Commission. Contributing to the strategic orientation of the initiatives and programmes of the EU-Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation are part of this mandate. SERI also represents Switzerland in the European Research Area (ERA) and its associated bodies.
Find more information on Switzerland’s participation here.
Euresearch is a SERI-mandated and funded association. It is responsible for providing information and advice to all interested researchers and innovators from the private sector and public institutions in Switzerland, regarding the participation in the EU-Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation.
Find more information and contact details here.